Community Education Series: PART 4 Engagement or Entrapment? City Council told the Rochester Downtown Development Company (RDDC) to provide “robust community engagement”. Instead, Public engagement and feedback overseen by the RDDC has been far from genuine. RDDC members and BID affiliates filled…
Community Education Series: PART 3 While city officials and Rochester Downtown Development Corporation members paint the Business Improvement District (BID) as a way to enhance downtown Rochester’s appeal, calls for community to “come to the table” are insincere. The RDDC’s community feedback…
Community Education Series: PART 2 Why is the RDDC pushing for a downtown BID? People supporting the idea of a Business Improvement District downtown give varying and conflicting reasons for why we supposedly ‘need a BID’. One minute they say downtown is…
Community Education Series: PART 1 Over ten thousand residents call downtown Rochester home, but they have no voice in a major upcoming decision – the creation of a Business Improvement District. The city is selling the BID as a way to make…
The RDDC’s push for a Business Improvement District that they would control is a direct affront to our community. Using taxpayer funds to support the ambitions of a few at the expense of many is not just unjust, it’s undemocratic. The overwhelming…